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Why teach a child programming?

Denise Croft812 28-May-2019

Why teach a child programming?

Many modern parents who grew up in the 90's and zero years, do not understand why you need to teach children programming. After all, you can just give the child to the section of hockey or football, as their parents did at the time. But do not underestimate the laws of modern society. The world is changing rapidly, it is not the same as it was 10-20 years ago. And perhaps it is the programming courses to which you send your child, will allow him to take a worthy place in this world.
Why teach a child programming?

Work of the future

Today, no large or small company can do without its own specialists in computer technology. And we are not talking about the usual computer literacy, which is taught in schools in the classroom of computer science. We are talking about complex, complex cases where specialists have to use a wide range of their skills and knowledge in order to organize a competent infrastructure and then maintain it in working order for a long time.

Analysts believe that the IT market will continue to grow, and, accordingly, the number of jobs in this market will increase. Undoubtedly, work in IT is the work of the future. But many parents, even agreeing with this, will say: why teach a child programming now?
Why teach a child programming?

Why teach a child programming?

First of all, childhood is the best period for learning something new. A child who was able to learn the basics of programming in childhood, it will be much easier to learn in the future, because new knowledge will fall on a solid Foundation offered by teachers now.

Another advantage of programming — it contributes to the development of logical thinking, as well as contributes to the development of the brain as a whole. According to scientists, children who are engaged in programming since childhood, in the future demonstrate success in the exact and logical Sciences. Learning programming at an early age with a detailed explanation of the whole mechanism eventually increases the cognitive abilities of children.

Finally, learning programming or other IT discipline is a contribution to your child's future that you are already making. During the next decade, it is the programmer's profession that will be one of the most popular, and other specialties related to the sphere of high technologies will be in great demand. By teaching your child programming today, you are laying the Foundation for his secure future through many years.
Why teach a child programming?

At what age to start studying IT?

It is never too late to start exploring the world of high technology. It happens that it is too early — for example, children under four years better to learn communication with the outside world, and instead of programming such kids better to drive to the pool. But after 4 years you can start.

The first steps in this area are construction. And there are already good projects for young children, allowing you to create sites without running the code. At this stage, kids learn to understand what the Internet and the computer are, what programs are.

From 8-10 years it is necessary to proceed directly to coding. It is very important to teach the child to search for information. He must be able to find an answer to all the questions that arise. One of the options to use the search engine Writing a question in the query string in the first 5 links will almost certainly find the answer.

Not necessarily to teach the child the creation of the codes if the experts see his other inclinations. The kid likes to draw? Great, then he'll be perfect for a 3D design course or even a web design course. Creative children are also often interested in the course "YouTube and special effects", which allows them to learn the basics of working with videos in The YouTube service.

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